The most common reason clients build roadside houses is for additional rental income. Also, Laneway house are usually rented out more because they don’t have shared walls like apartments and you have your own parking space, private entrance, and terrace.
To top it all off, it also significantly increases the resale value of your lot.
An additional reason people build small street houses is because of elderly parents they want to be close to, but not too close
– the kids are getting older and want to have their own place but are having a hard time buying an apartment.
– Or, use it as an open streamline when their kids move and they don’t need much space. From there, they also rent out their main house which allows a ton of extra income!
Filler homes tend to be large because they need to accommodate all of the living space typically found in separate family homes. The lane houses, however, are sensitively scaled to contain only a small apartment nestled under a sloping roof, resulting in a building only slightly higher than the garage, with minimal shade and views.
A Laneway House lives in harmony with the main house in the parking lot. They share space and infrastructure and work as two parts of one unit. Now lane housing is being reimagined as a small-scale solution that will increase the safety and beauty of our lanes, have minimal impact on our neighbors, and create affordable and affordable housing opportunities for homeowners. We just need to make a distinction between a house and a suite.
A rental home always has significant resale value. People like to buy houses that give them a monthly income. Most investors also invest their money to buy rented houses so that they can make more profit.