What are the advantages of automatic exterior doors? Why should you place this type of door in your house? In this post, we will answer these questions and tell you about the exterior doors that exist for each situation. We will also talk about its maintenance and its prices. What we do want you to keep in mind is that in addition to all the advantages we are going to tell you about, you should choose automatic exterior doors that also beautify your home and your surroundings.
Automatic exterior doors are a great option. They will bring many advantages if you have an exterior or interior garage. The first advantage of exterior doors is that you can open and close them without getting out of your car. You have to have a remote control. This is especially even necessary in rainy or icy areas. Getting out of the vehicle and manually pushing the exterior access door is a great inconvenience.
We can also consider exterior doors in large shopping centres and hotels. Indeed, seeing them in smaller commercial premises is also increasingly common.
These doors have sensors that detect if a pedestrian -in these cases, we could call customers- will enter or leave the commercial area. This supposes a saving of time and comfort for the client. This type of exterior door offers added value to the business that has placed them. And without allowing us the expression, they give it a much more modern air.
It is already common to see this type of automatic door in many homes. As you may have already guessed, we are talking about high-speed glass doors.
Exterior doors that provide light and spaciousness
Another advantage of these high-speed glass doors is that they give much greater light to the shop or commercial area precisely because of their glass. By letting in natural light, they also offer a much greater spaciousness and a pleasant atmosphere—and environment- necessary scary if you want to provide the customer with an enjoyable shopping experience.
In general, exterior doors also offer, in addition to a lot of comforts, as we have mentioned in the previous lines, a lot of security. It is much safer to access your home directly from the garage without getting out of the car.
You do not have the option to have your car stolen while you are opening a manual door or to suffer a robbery. Automatic exterior doors make even more sense if you live in an urbanization far from large urban centres or a rural area.
Other advantages of exterior doors
Comfort and safety. These are the two significant advantages of automatic exterior doors. But there is more that we are going to tell you next:
1. They save space
Thanks to the different designs and finishes of the automatic doors, you will save space at the entrance to your garage and in your home. They can be opened in different ways so that they are housed in a particular place, and you have a place to store many other things. We are talking about automatic folding, sectional, sliding or rolling doors. They can be opened to both sides, or their mechanism can be left on the ceiling, saving you a lot of space.
2. Easy maintenance
You don’t have to worry about automatic exterior doors at all. Maintenance is super easy. What do you have to worry about? Well, first of all, and since we are talking about automatic doors, your remote control does not lack batteries. And secondly, that the motor for your automatic door works correctly. The engines are very reliable and durable. If you make good use of the exterior door, it is tough for it to get stuck.
3. Very affordable prices
At Portamatic, we cannot tell you a price outright. This is because its price varies greatly depending on the characteristics of the automatic door, especially its size, the leaves it is made of and the automation you choose. But you can have automatic exterior doors for 600 euros.
In our online store, you have the advantage you can configure your automatic door to measure. Please select one of our products, put the measurements and all the accessories you need, and our online platform will calculate the price.
So you can put and remove accessories according to your needs, and you will never get a surprise. In addition, you will get a personalized door for you. And always with the CE Marking, which means it has passed all the security controls established by the EU. This CE marking is a guarantee for the consumer.
4. Easy cleaning
The exterior doors are straightforward to clean. You have to clean them with the products you usually have at home. Exterior doors can be finished in different materials, such as steel, aluminium or wood. So you will have no problem cleaning them.
Exterior doors to beautify your surroundings
As you have seen, there are many reasons to place exterior doors in your home. And the best thing is that you place automatic doors because they offer you much more comfort and security. We have also told you that they are straightforward to maintain and clean. In terms of prices, it isn’t easy to give an approximate figure because it depends greatly on the size of the exterior door you want.
Finally, we want to emphasize that exterior doors must also have the mission of beautifying your home. Whether you live in a community of neighbours, in urbanization or a single-family house, you will always like your automatic door to match the decoration of your home. This is not a problem since we have a vast catalogue of entries and a wide range of finishes. We encourage you to take a look at our online store.
What type of exterior doors have you placed in your home or business? Why have you decided on her? We would love for you to tell us in the comments.
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