Today we will learn to mix styles in decoration; if you have ever thought that any of the following points about your home decoration is true, you are wrong…
- Everything has to match.
- I can’t include this element because it doesn’t fit my current style.
- Lots of small items are the perfect way to fill a space.
The best, most comfortable, and most beautiful spaces mix many different styles but are executed in ways that make sense visually. And that doesn’t give you the feeling of asking yourself, when did I put this here?
But how to mix decoration styles so that they make sense?
Well, what luck. That’s what we’re talking about today, and I’ve got some tips for you that will have you mixing styles like a pro and hopefully get you out of the creative rut you’re in and into a new world.
If you want to discover your style and understand how to create a space in which everything makes sense, you can start by taking our style test; it will help you clarify your ideas.
The combination is not essential in the decoration of your home; in fact, it can even be boring.
So stop stressing about having all the same elements and create intelligent spaces to make the pieces you love fit together, reflect who you are, and tell your story.
If I want you to get something clear from this reading, it is this…
It is possible to have more than one style present in a house, and it is essential to do so because it generates a lot of interest and ends up telling the stories of everyone who lives in it.
If you love flowers and textured centerpieces, you need to find a way to put them together that makes sense and doesn’t make you feel like you’re living in someone else’s house. Hard to do, I know. Especially when you do not agree on tastes with your partner.
How to combine more than one decoration style
First, let’s talk about some decoration “rules” that will help you to follow, although, as you already know, my maxim is that the rules are to be broken.
If you’re like me, you want to be confident in mixes. As in the real world, things like budgets or habitability must be considered; we are not preparing a photo shoot for a magazine. But since we care a lot about our house and the decoration tells our story, we want it to be unique for our families and us.
In other words, we’re looking for ways to bring it all together to have an exciting space or improve it as much as possible to represent us.
These rules will help you because they accept that not everything has to match.
1 THE 80/20 RULE
This is a relationship rule, and it’s the perfect place to start. It essentially means you have to choose the primary and secondary characters. And in this case, those characters are the look you’re after.
Do you remember last week when we discovered your style? As we saw, indeed, in addition to the test result, you saw in the definitive guide of decoration styles some styles you also felt identified.
Those were your 80/20. The main style will be in 80% of the space, and the other 20% will be the other style. I suggest you start with the main style.
For example. Suppose the definition of your style in home decoration is comfortable, modern, or traditional. The most significant elements of your house will be modern elements.
Predictability is out of the question, and so is being too ‘compatible.’ The elements do not need to be paired; they can go together in many ways.
A great way to link different items together is to find something they have in common and group them. You can make groups by color, size, and texture; with this, you will create a collection with a more significant impact and make more sense than each element on its own. This works great on small items.